
General Contract Terms

Purchases and more generally orders placed by customers in F.LLI DEL FABBRO SRL through this web site are governed by these Sales conditions.

To use the e-commerce service provided by F.LLI DEL FABBRO SRL Srl, you must first register with the site. The Customer may register from the web page and will have to enter their personal details, a valid email address and a password that you will take care to keep.
The data entered by the customer will be treated by F.LLI DEL FABBRO  Srl in full compliance with the law as provided in the information privacy.

The catalogs of products available for purchase are all available on page. For each product in the catalog has reported:
a) the technical specifications of the product and its description.
b) an image with the indicative technical details, which in any case has no descriptive function but merely a simplifying function and as such may differ from the final product by color, shape and size;
c) the unit price;
Orders placed through the website are finalised when you send an order confirmation (the customer must print out and keep it) by F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl to the email address specified by the customer during registration.
By placing an order the customer declares to have read all the information provided during the purchase process and to have fully accepted the sales conditions.
The order confirmation email will report the number of the order, the type and the quantities of the products required, billing data and those of the place where the goods will be delivered. To this regard, it invites the Customer to always check the accuracy of such data and in case information are not correct to immediately notify F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl.
Every customer can check at any time the status of his orders in his private area. The conditions are: Pending Payment by bank transfer, check or PayPal, payment accepted, payment error, Preparation,, Cancelled, Refunded, Delivery in progress, Delivered.
If in two working days from the order the customer has not received the order confirmation email, we invite you to contact F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl at the phone number +39 0433 467492.
F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl has in any case the right, to refuse orders placed. In case of rejection of an order placed by a customer, the customer cannot claim in any way, any claim to compensation for contractual or extra-contractual damages, except for reimbursement of amounts already paid.
F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl has the right to modify at any time the products included in the catalog and their price list. These changes will not take effect for orders already forwarded.
F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl keeps constantly updated its catalog by entering new products and indicating those temporarily not available. However, if a product is no longer available after having received an order, F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl will promptly inform the customer via the email about the unavailability.

F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl will accept the following payment methods.
Pay Pal.
This method of payment is handled directly by Pay Pal according to your regulations. F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl consequently will not be aware of the credit card data used by the customer.
Bank transfer in advance.
In case you may choose to pay by bank transfer, the customer must carry out the same day the corresponding payment on the bank account at the UNICREDIT bank, payable to F.LLI DEL FABBRO srl and having
IBAN:IT 75 N 02008 64321 000103031105
indicating as reason for the distinctive code received in the order confirmation itself.
Only after the actual crediting to the current account indicated, F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl will send the order confirmation and shipping as indicated in paragraph no. 5 (Shipments).
If after 3 working days from order the payment has not been credited to the bank account mentioned above F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl will consider the order canceled.
In case payment on delivery is chosen, the customer must pay the amount set out in the invoice for the order placed directly to the courier upon delivery. The cash payment will be made by bank draft payable to F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl. They will not accept bank checks. For a value not greater than € 600 orders, payment on delivery can also be made in cash (the sum paid to the courier to be exact, as it is not foreseen the possibility of leaving a remainder).

F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl will issue a separate invoice for each order confirmation received from the customer, even if it includes more articles.
The invoice will include the price of the individual products ordered, the amount of VAT, postage, additional extra costs linked to specific forms of payment chosen by the customer.
The invoice will be addressed to the customer using the data used in the registration process.

The invoice will be attached to the products and delivered by courier together with the purchased items.

F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl shall deliver the products purchased by delivery to one of the express delivery indicated on the site chosen by the customer according to the schedule indicated in the order confirmation.

The products ordered will be delivered to the address specified by the customer at registration, unless the order is a different delivery address specified.
F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl is not liable in relation to delivery of individual carriers indicated.
Delivery will be made on working days (Monday to Friday) excluding holidays and holiday eves.
The goods will be shipped in a package prepared directly from F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl.
Upon receipt of the order the customer is required to verify that the number of packages delivered corresponds to the code on D.D.T., and that the packaging is intact.
If delivery of fewer packages than those indicated in the DDT, or where such data is wet or damaged, the customer must file claim with the delivery note contesting such circumstances in writing on the same bubble, and giving notice to F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl via the "Contacts" present at the following address.
In case there is no correspondence between the order and delivery, the customer will not accept the goods, should complain directly to the carrier and report the incident via the "Contacts" present at the following address http: // /.
If despite everything, the courier refused to sign with reserve, the Customer must REJECT THE GOODS.
This procedure is the only solution that allows F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl immediate management practices complaint with the carrier, and that enables you to quickly deliver the goods eventually received in a non-integrated.
Please note that if Customer, without following the procedures described above, subscribes to accept the packing slip, will not oppose any dispute about the later appearance of what was delivered to him in relation to the order made

As for any defects of the products purchased through the website, will apply the rules laid down by the Civil Code in articles. 1490-1495, subject to the applicability in favor of the Customer individuals the most favorable rules introduced by Legislative Decree 206/2005 in Articles. 128-135.
The customer who intends to request the replacement of defective products, will necessarily send the same, complete with all their parts, together with the purchase invoice, the details of the order made and the description of the defect, in F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl at the headquarters of Tolmezzo (UD), Via degli Artigiani, 20 - CAP 33028.
F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl reserves the right to verify the actual existence of the alleged vices and make only replacement / reissue after the inspection.
The shipping costs of return are borne by the customer.
In the event that the anomaly signaled there was no, F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl reserves the right to replace the goods not in place.
The referral product - return charges - are borne by F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl only if the products are effectively spoiled
For any clarification or complaint, F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl can be contacted via the "Contact" present at the following address
In no event F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl will be liable for delays or non-delivery due to negligence or fault of the general courier, as well as circumstances attributable to fortuitous events or force majeure.

The customer, natural person acting for purposes unrelated activity or occupation of any investigation undertaken (Consumer), which make purchases through the site's e-commerce internet may exercise the right of withdrawal in accordance with Articles. 52-59 of Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 and subsequent amendments.
In particular, the consumer has the right to cancel the contract without penalty and without giving any reason within 14 days of receipt of the products purchased.
The withdrawal must be made by the Consumer by sending, within that deadline subject to revocation, to F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl – Via degli Artigiani 20 – 33028 Tolmezzo  (UD) of a written notice delivered by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt using the model withdrawal model in Annex a) or any other unequivocal statement of the decision to terminate the contract. Proof of posting will be given by delivery of the letter to the post office stamp. The notice may be sent within the same period, by telegram, telex, e-mail and fax, provided that within 48 hours after it is confirmed by sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.
In the event that the consumer intends to exercise the right of withdrawal after the taking over by the carrier, he must provide at his own risk and his own expense to return the products purchased might have been received, intact and not used, complete with original packaging, by sending by courier to F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl – Via degli Artigiani, 20 – 33028 Tolmezzo  (UD) within 8 days from the date on which announced its intention to invoke the right of withdrawal. In any case will not damage products accepted, used or returned to F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl on delivery.
In the event that the active consumer the right of withdrawal, F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl will after the date on which it received a notice of withdrawal to refund all payments made by the consumer with the exception of delivery of the goods costs, as well as any additional costs resulting from the choice Consumer same use of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type offered by F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl. reimbursement will be made with the same method of payment used by the consumer for the initial transaction unless it is otherwise agreed.

The purchase contracts finalized via the website means concluded in Italy, governed by Italian law and subject to Italian jurisdiction.
Any disputes concerning the validity or execution of contracts finalized via this website and the interpretation of these conditions of sale, which may arise between F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl and a Customer in respect of VAT shall be resolved exclusively to the jurisdiction of Udine.
Any disputes concerning the validity or execution of contracts finalized via this website and the interpretation of these conditions of sale, which may arise between F.LLI DEL FABBRO Srl and an individual customer will be devolved to the jurisdiction identified under ' art. 63 of Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 and its subsequent amendments.


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